Thermal scan reveals impressive anomaly in the great pyramid of Giza

Scientists have carried out thermal scans on the Great Pyramid of Giza and come across an impressive anomaly in the monumental structure’s rock. The scans have revealed a temperature change that might indicate something special behind the walls of the 4,500-year-old Egyptian monument.

Mehdi Tayoubi, the founder of the Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute in Paris, said that this newly identified anomaly is truly impressive and has been spotted at the ground level. Here, it must be mentioned that the Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute is the organization appointed to carry out the scanning experiments on pyramids using a combination of 3D reconstruction, muon radiography and infrared thermography.

The anomaly mentioned above has been spotted on the eastern part of the Great Pyramid. For those who don’t know: this Egyptian structure is often referred to as the pyramid of Khufu.

Researchers carried out the thermal scans at different times, both during the day and the night. They measured temperatures both when the stones were getting warmer and cooling off. While they found that the temperature of the majority of the adjacent stones varied by 0.1 degrees to 0.5 degrees, the particular segment identified to have an anomaly was found to have a 6-degree variation. Tayoubi, when talking about this finding, said that he and his colleagues know about several hypotheses, but don’t have any conclusion at this moment.


Mamdouh El-Damaty, the current antiquities minister of Egypt, said that he also had a number of hypotheses but felt that there’s need of more research before they get revealed. The minister added that the part with anomaly might contain passages, fissures or void spaces, but failed to state what exactly the area has.

El-Damaty feels that closer inspection revealed something that appeared to be a tiny passage on the ground leading towards the part where the temperature change was spotted.

Beth Ann Judas, a celebrated Egyptologist, said that it makes some real sense that the scientists have identified the anomaly on the pyramid’s eastern part. This is because that part happens to be the structure’s focal point with a number of major toms and temples positioned on that part. She added that even the Nile was located on the pyramid’s east.


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Erin Roberts

Erin is a gifted storyteller with a background in English Literature. He is in charge of long-form articles, interviews, and special reports at The Hoops News. Her ability to bring depth and context to stories sets her apart. Erin is also an avid reader and enjoys exploring new cuisines.