Marc Cornelissen and Philip De Roo drowned in Arctic, says Coldfacts

Marc Cornelissen and Philip De Roo, two scientists engaged in research works in the Arctic, have probably lost their lives. Even the Search and Rescue flights over their latest location couldn’t find any sign of the duo. However, the equipment used during the expedition has been found.

The open ice conditions in the region are not allowing a helicopter or aircraft to land; this is surely hampering the search and rescue operations significantly. The Dutch authorities and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are in constant touch with each other for uninterrupted cooperation. The latest information provided by the RCMP suggests that both the scientists have most likely drowned.


For those who don’t know: Marc Cornelissen was the founder of Cold Facts, an organization that supports scientific researches in the Polar Regions. The mishap took place when Marc was traveling on skis accompanied by his colleague Philip De Roo. They were on a mission known as the “Last Ice Survey”. For them this title turned out to be tragically perfect as the mission eventually became the last ice survey carried out by the duo.

Marc and Phillip were busy measuring the thickness of ice in the survey area. This area, according to experts, is the part where summer ice remains for the longest period as climate changes take place.

Such mishaps are not surprising as the cold, remote Arctic is an extremely dangerous place to travel even when the weather is favorable. Both Marc and Phillip had years of experience of polar exploration; so, they were very much aware of the risks associated with such expeditions. Experts are saying that the accident took place as the two scientists were not aware that the thickness of the “Last Ice” has reduced so drastically.

In a post on its website, the Cold Facts team has thanked everyone for their warm messages showing support and sympathy. The team has sent out a special “thank you” to all people of the scientific communities who are helping the organization in this phase of distress. Cold Facts has also thanked the authorities for sharing information and knowledge from the location where the equipment used during the expedition was found.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.