Why Audfree Audio Converter tool is the best media converter out there?

If you are looking for an Audio converter tool, then you have come to the right place. Audfree DRM Audio Converter is a versatile and compatible tool on different platforms like Windows and Mac OS.

Audio Files are classified among 2 categories. DRM-protected and non-DRM. The former can only be played with authorized devices and is available in different formats, whereas the latter isn’t limited to players. You can also convert audio files Apple Music, iTunes M4P, audiobooks and Audible AA/AAX to MP3, FLAC, WAV, M4C, AAC, and many more audio formats.

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Top features by Audfree Audio Converter

Below are some of the key feature of Audfree Audio Converter, which makes it an exclusive and better choice among other Audio converter software.

  • 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you purchase the software and face any technical error with it, then you can apply for a refund after 30 days of purchase. You can also get a refund when in case you didn’t receive and registration key from the support team.

  • 24×7 Customer Support

If you are a premium user of the product, then you are liable to get 24 x 7 customer support in case of any technical errors or confusion. The support team is always ready to help their customers by replying to their queries quickly.

  • Convert DRM audio track with best quality audio

Using Audfree DRM Media Converter, user can convert DRM-protected and remove DRM from them efficiently with almost no loss in the sound quality of the final product.

User can also epitomize the resultant sound product by altering many audio frameworks such as speed, volume, codec, bit rate, audio channel, sample rate and many more.

  • Edit or Erase audio ID3 tags

Using Audfree converter, you can erase or edit certain ID3 tags such as Name, Title, Album, Artist, and Genre of the audio track to give better acknowledgment of the audio file currently in use.

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The Audfree iTunes audio converter for Windows can be the solution to your problems if you are in search of an audio converter tool which can convert between DRM-protected and non-DRM audio tracks. DRM-protected files are generally limited to certain audio players and are encoded in special audio formats. Using this audio converter tool, you can convert not only DRM-protected tracks but also other sound protected sound formats such as Apple Music, Audiobooks and non-DRM audio files into many different sound formats which are easily recognized and played by almost all popular audio players such as MP3, FLAC, AAC and many more.

The audio tool is available across many operating systems such as Windows and macOS.

If you purchase the tool and isn’t satisfied with the experience you can also ask for a refund within 60 days of purchase of the audio tool only under specific conditions along with some key supports. Some of them are: get lifetime software update for the following tool and also instant customer support in any case of technical error and services to the premium members of the software.

About the author

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James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.