Baisakhi or Vaisakhi is a Sikh festival which celebrates the birth of the Khalsa brotherhood. The Khalsa Panth was created by the 10th Guru of the Sikh Panth, Guru Gobind Singh in 1699.
Vaisakhi has been celebrated for centuries, and it also marks the harvesting of crops in Punjab and the ushering in of wealth and prosperity.
Guru Gobind Singh, the 10 Guru of the Sikh faith, started the Sikh community called Khalsa. It was meant to act as a unifying force for the people of the faith and also to uphold and defend the rights of the people. One of the biggest aims of the Khalsa Panth was to protect the vulnerable from the treacherous and the tyrannical forces.
Guru Gobind Singh addressed a large congregation of Sikhs and asked five Sikhs to come forward and sacrifice their life for the Panth. Soon one man came forward, and he was led into a tent by the Guru. Check Baisakhi quotes here.
The guru came out with his sword drenched in blood. Another man followed and third. The process was repeated five timers and each time the Guru emerged with his sword covered in blood.
In the end, five Sikhs came out of the tent with blue turbans on their head. A new group called Khalsa was formed within the Sikh faith. The five Sikhs were known as Panch Pyare of the Five Beloved Ones. The Panch Pyare were then baptized by the Guru into the Khalsa Panth and sprinkled with Amrit or the immortal nectar.
Vaisakhi is celebrated with fervor round the world and Colorful processions called Nagar Kirtans are organized all over the world. Gurudwaras form the focus of the celebrations which take place in the weeks of Vaisakhi.
Readings of Sikh scriptures take place and singing of hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy book known as Kirtan are also organized.
Baisakhi Wishes and Greetings:
I express my heartiest wishes to you and your family on the wonderful occasion of Baisakhi. May this be the start of a lucky year ahead.”
“May you come up as bright as Sun, as cool as water and as sweet as honey. Hope this Baisakhi fulfills all your desires and wishes. Happy Baisakhi.”
“May this special day of Baisakhi hold in store the fulfillment of all hopes and dreams that you aspire for. Have a joyous Baisakhi. Happy Baisakhi.”
“May your Baisakhi be blessed with the bounty of the season and a harvest of joy and prosperity. Happy Baisakhi.”
“I wish you a very Happy Baisakhi. May Wahe Guruji accept your good deeds, bring all the years full of luv and contentment.”
“I wish you a very Happy Baisakhi. May Wahe Guruji accept your good deeds and convey all the years full of love and happiness.”
“Happy Baisakhi to all my friends. May Wahe Guruji bless all souls with happiness and long life.”