Tesla’s car now has one more thing to celebrate: the Model S vehicle warranty has been extended to eight years.
Tesla’s new warranty extension not only applies to new Model S vehicles and owners, but even to current Model S vehicle owners who have owned their Tesla car for less than 8 years. The warranty’s retroactive nature ensures that Tesla car owners are not left out in the cold regarding their vehicles. “In hindsight, this should have been our policy from the beginning of the Model S program. If we truly believe that electric motors are fundamentally more reliable than gasoline engines, with far fewer moving parts and no oily residue or combustion byproducts to gum up the works, then our warranty policy should reflect that,” said Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
Tesla Motors is doing all it can to pave the way for the growth of the electric car industry. Earlier this year, Tesla decided to release its patents to the electric car industry as a whole, removing its hold on the electric car industry while opening up the industry to innovation.
At this point, however, Tesla vehicles have had their share of problems, such as creaks where the windshield and roof meet, a defective car charger adapter, as well as a malfunctioning, 17-inch display within the car. The current Tesla car model, the Model S, starts at $71,000.