Research team examines fiddled global warming Data

Last month we heard scientists saying that the world experienced the hottest March ever since the time experts have started keeping records of global temperature change i.e. since 1880. According to the US government scientists, the year 2015 has outranked the previous year to become the year to have the hottest March ever.

The figures discussed above were presented by the US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration or NOAA. The US organization dug the figures out based on the data collected from the huge network of weather stations belonging to the GHCN or Global Historical Climate Network of NOAA. However, the story doesn’t end there; there’s a puzzle.

The temperature records discussed above are one of the three of its kind i.e. records that enjoy the official status. The other two are the University of Alabama in Huntsville or UAH and the Remote Sensing Systems or RSS; these two records are compiled based on absolutely different temperature data measurement methods. The measurement procedures adopted for collecting temperature data for these two records involve use of satellites.


What’s more alarming is that the numbers put up by these two records are often found to be different from the numbers put up by the NOAA; as least figures of the recent years are suggesting so. As far as, the temperature records are concerned, neither the UAH, nor the RSS is suggesting that March, 2015 is the hottest March on record.

Due to this difference between the data found in the three official records, scientists have decided to examine the global warming data again. A panel lead by Terence Kealey, the ex Vice Chancellor of the University of Buckingham, will be conducting the inspection. He will be joined by an able team consisted of the most respected experts of their respective fields. Each of the members of this newly formed research team has written several peer-reviewed papers.

To help you understand the experience and expertise of the team of researchers joining Kealeym, let us present a few names to you. The team will include Dr. Peter Chylek, a senior physicist representing the National Los Alamos Laboratory, Prof Roman Mureika, an expert of detecting mistakes in statistical methodology, Richard McNider, the founder of the Atospheric Sciences Program at University of Alabama and so on.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.


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  • The temperature records by NOAA match those of the European Union and Japan and many other countries, If Alabama has something different I think they might need to buy a new thermometer or leave it to the big boys who have satellites.

  • Not relying on climategate criminals — need to go back to, actual, unadjusted data.
    “NCDC Setting New Records For US Temperature Fraud In 2014”
    “Tracking Climate Fraud | Real Science”