Prithviraj Sukumaran’s latest Malayalam movie ‘Darwinte Parinamam‘ hit the theaters all across the nation on March 18, 2016. The film is getting released after successive hits from the star which includes, ‘Ennu Ninte Moideen’ and ‘Anarkali’.
Expectations of this movie are already at its peak, as Prithvi has made it a habit of delivering massive hits. This new film has Chandini Sreedharan in the role of female lead while Chemban Vinod has done the title character, ‘Darwin’. Supporting star cast in this movie includes, Nandhu, Balu Varghese, and Soubin Shahir.
Jijo Antony, who has previously directed the film ‘Konthayum Poonulum’ which was a commercial failure, but a critical success. In all probabilities, first-day box office collections of this movie will create a new history in Mollywood, considering the recent obsession of audience towards Prithviraj.
‘Darwinte Parinamam‘ will hit the screens in more than 100 theaters in Kerala, and it will have simultaneous releases in other metropolitan Indian cities as well.
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The expected first-day box office collection of this movie is 3 Crore INR from Kerala alone, and it is much an assailable task for a big star like Prithvi.
Trailer of ‘Darwinte Parinama‘ was released a week back, and it has succeeded in impressing both the audiences and critics. According to director Jijo Antony, this movie will be a high voltage entertainer with all commercial elements demanded to meet the needs of common moviegoers.
The film will showcase the life of an underworld don, and the transformation he undergoes after meeting a young man.
Stay tuned in this page for live audience responses, first day Box office collection and detailed review of ‘Darwinte Parinamam’.
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