A new study carried out by a team of researchers representing the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston has pointed out that men who consume at least two cups of coffee every day are at less risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction than those who don’t have any such habit.
For those who don’t know: erectile dysfunction is a kind of sexual dysfunction found in men. The condition is marked by a man’s inability of developing or maintaining a perfectly erect penis when taking part in the sexual activity of any form. The common word used for this type of sexual dysfunction is impotence.
A man can suffer from erectile dysfunction due to several reasons. These include the low level of testosterone, adverse effects of drugs, cardiovascular diseases, neurological problems, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, old age, etc.
The findings of the above mentioned study allowed the researchers to conclude that caffeine, the active ingredient present in coffee, is capable of triggering a range of pharmacological effects that effectively relax the helicine arteries of the penis. This action of caffeine increases blood flow within the penis.
A total of 3,724 men belonging to the age group of twenty years and above participated in the study. The researchers noted down facts like the frequency at which the participants consume coffee and any current or history of erectile dysfunction.
Analysis of the collected data revealed that men who consumed 85 to 170 milligrams of caffeine every day have 42% less chance of experiencing erectile dysfunction compared to men who didn’t consume any caffeine. During the study, the researchers also came to know that men consuming 171 to 303 milligrams of coffee every day had 39% less chance of suffering from the condition.
According to numbers presented by the National Health Service, one cup coffee contains 100 mg caffeine approximately.
The study’s lead author Dr. David Lopez informed that although his team observed the reduction in the occurrence of erectile dysfunction in hypertensive, overweight and obese men, the same cannot be said about diabetic men. Dr. Lopez added that this finding didn’t surprise him and his colleagues as diabetes is regarded as one of the primary risk factors for this condition.