Satellite maps reveal rise of greenhouse gases on Earth

In impressive set of satellite images from NASA’s Earth Observatory has revealed a great deal regarding the surface of Earth. The Earth Observatory has collected images for a staggering 15 years and in all show just how much impact we’re having our Earth. The satellite images reveal the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the period of one year. They show the pattern of carbon dioxide absorption by plants on Earth.

The maps show that the absorption peaks in the middle of the year and moves depending on when the growing season is at its peak. The pictures reveal that the Earth is much like an engine in how it handles and absorbs carbon dioxide. That being said though, the information that was revealed in the images does play a major role in understanding how we are ultimately impacting climate change.

This is the first time that it has been formally and directly noted that there is a significant rise, decrease, and change in greenhouse gases, which are vital in causing climate change. This begins to put direct legitimacy behind the argument that a small group of scientists, and a lot of politicians have been arguing for a long period of time. The argument that climate change is natural, now has less weight to it – thanks to these images.

Showing the correlation between the increase in greenhouse gases and the human impact though is ultimately what is bringing the entire set of satellite images into focus. The other major thing that these satellite images reveal is where the most greenhouse gases are being expelled and received by plant life around the world. Some places, like parts of Asia and North America, soak up and expel more greenhouse gases than other places in the world.

The images though, beyond showing thermal activity, and the release of greenhouse gases – ultimately reveal just how serious the situation is with regards to climate change. Physical evidence is now backing up what many scientists have been saying for a long time about carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere and what it means for our planet.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.

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  • 34 years of denial preventing climate change action is doing to progressives what Bush did for the neocons?

    Science has been 99% certain through 34 years of not achieving the needed climate action to save the planet, so what could science have said or done to have made the world “believe” our children were actually doomed?