WhatsApp is stepping up its game by introducing a feature that allows users to share photos and videos in their original quality. This move comes as a response to longstanding criticism for compressing media files, which often results in diminished clarity and loss of details. Here’s everything you need to know about this upcoming feature.
The New Feature
According to reports from The Verge and GizmoChina, WhatsApp is currently working on an option that will enable users to “select original quality” when sharing media. This feature is expected to preserve the resolution of photos and videos, making it a game-changer for those who rely on WhatsApp for professional or personal media sharing.
Why It Matters
Historically, WhatsApp has been under fire for its media compression algorithms. Users have often complained about the loss of quality when sending photos or videos through the platform. This new feature aims to address these concerns by allowing media to be sent in their original, uncompressed form.
The feature is currently in beta testing on Android, as per XDA Developers. It is expected to roll out to Android users first, followed by iOS users. However, the exact timeline for its public release is still unknown.
How to Use
Once the feature is live, users will notice a new option for selecting the quality of media before sending. By choosing the “original quality” option, the media will be sent without any compression, preserving its original resolution and details.
The introduction of this feature is a significant step for WhatsApp, as it addresses one of the most common criticisms of the platform. With the ability to share media in their original quality, WhatsApp is likely to become an even more popular choice for both personal and professional communication.
So, keep an eye out for this update and get ready to share your photos and videos in all their glory!
Note: This article is based on the latest information available as of August 28, 2023.
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