T-Mobile outruns Sprint with 58.9 M customers, Sprint stocks reflecting growth of 4.49 percent

T-Mobile has now become the United State’s third largest mobile network service provider after surpassing the Sprint by adding more than 2.1 million subscribers. T-Mobile currently has 58.9 million users whereas Sprint is holding at the lower position with about the 57.7 million users.

It was only last year when the T-Mobile’s CEO John Legere made a comment that their company would surpass Sprint subscriber count by the end of the year 2014, and here it is standing tall with more than 58 million customers in the country.

At this moment, T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS) is right with its share trading at a price of $41.21 per piece at a total capital of 33.40 Bn worth of stocks. T-Mobile has put this year’s target to achieve a per piece price of $44, which makes the company gain a growth of approximately 9% with a total capital of around 36Bn.

Even though Sprint lost its crown to the T-Mobile, company is making some good moves in the stock market. As of today, it has its shares at $3.49 per piece with a total capital of 13.84Bn. The stocks gain a high of 4.49% at +0.15 and looking at a year target of $5 per piece. Officials also said that the company has made some good improvements by improving the network capabilities and evaluating their existing infrastructure.

Despite the news of Sprint losing its position, the company reflected some good results by attaining growth of 4.48% in its shares. We are hoping some good news from the company very soon.

Both the companies have been luring the customers by introducing new offers, and one of the recent perks made the subscribers switch to the T-Mobile.

T-Mobile said that people who will be buying the iPhone 6 on a contract now will be getting a free upgrade to the upcoming release of the smartphone from Apple Inc without any additional charges. Users will keep their existing plan and will have the next generation iPhone delivered to them at a priority.

Such offers will help the carrier gain not only more subscribers but will also help them avoid the pre-orders and the pain they go through for waiting at the gates of Apple store days prior to the release. Customers who will be getting this deal will get the iPhone 6S as soon as the online orders start to ship.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.