Samsung has finally unveiled the pricing details for its much-anticipated 4TB 990 PRO NVMe SSD. The tech giant confirmed that the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) for the standalone 4TB drive is set at $344.99. For those interested in a version with an integrated heatsink, the cost will be slightly higher at $354.99. These new SSDs are expected to hit the market in October 2023 and will be available for purchase through Samsung’s official website as well as select retailers.
The 4TB 990 PRO SSD joins the existing 1TB and 2TB models in the 990 PRO series, which are already available for purchase. The pricing for high-speed 4TB SSDs has been somewhat inconsistent across the market, with other available 4TB PCIe 4.0 NVMe drives ranging between roughly $170 and $350. Samsung‘s new offering is competitively priced, landing close to the upper end of this range. This makes it a compelling option for users seeking high-capacity, high-speed storage solutions.
The 4TB 990 PRO SSD comes in two variants: one with the model number MZ-V9P4T0BW for the bare drive and another with the model number MZ-V9P4T0CW for the version with an integrated heatsink. The heatsink is designed to offer enhanced thermal performance, making it a worthwhile consideration for users who plan to push their systems to the limit.
Samsung’s announcement has generated significant buzz in the tech community, especially among those who have been eagerly awaiting a high-capacity version of the 990 PRO series. The new 4TB model is expected to meet the growing demand for larger storage capacities, particularly among gamers, content creators, and professionals who require fast and reliable storage for their data-intensive tasks.
In summary, Samsung’s 4TB 990 PRO NVMe SSD is set to make its debut in October 2023 with an MSRP of $344.99 for the standalone drive and $354.99 for the version with a heatsink. With its competitive pricing and high-speed performance, the new SSD is poised to become a popular choice for those in need of ample, fast storage.