Is the Library Dead? A Look at How They’re Trying to Survive in 2017

Nearly everyone we know now has some sort of device that enables them to research online and, although hundreds of thousands of libraries are still standing, library goers are concerned for the future. It’s clear that libraries still provide many benefits that the internet can’t. However, libraries are still implementing new features to ensure they have a chance of surviving. So, what are libraries doing to keep up with the digital age?

Libraries Are Implementing Their Own Technologies

The digital age is benefitting libraries now more than ever when it comes to inventory and staff management. Multiple software products have been created just for library environments and that means more libraries have implemented such practices to stay with the times. Also, user authentication has now been implemented so staff members and bookworms have easy and secure access when they need it. This has made libraries much more efficient and it means lower costs for communities to keep them going – a key point that could be the difference in the future.

Additional Resources That the Internet Can’t Provide

Some libraries provide extensive knowledge when it comes to accurate research practices, and that’s something not all websites on the internet can provide. The problem with the internet is that information is rewritten on multiple occasions from one website to another, so “factual” information online isn’t always factual. Within a library though, books and documents are hard copies of accurate information, and that means libraries have an advantage over their competitors in that respect.

Wi-Fi Hotspots Within Libraries

What’s great about the library atmosphere? It’s always quiet and offers students and the public a chance to research in peace. This is yet one of the many other benefits a library provides. Libraries are now making their environments wi-fi enabled so they attract visitors from local cafes and restaurants.

Tech Savvy Staff

The staff within library environments don’t just have an online master of information degree or an online MLIS degree – they also have extensive tech experience, which betters the tech facilities they offer. There was a time when library staff members didn’t have much experience when it came to technology, and that meant their visitors didn’t have any help when using computers or printers.

Computer & Printing Facilities

It’s now common for libraries to provide computer and printing facilities so visitors can research and print information for research processes. Such technology has got better over the years and libraries have realized that investments in these facilities are proving to be vital to their survival.

When you look at all the things libraries around the world are doing to increase footfall and to stay competitive, surviving is very much a possibility for hundreds of years to come. As newer technology comes to light, it seems libraries always have a knack for adapting to provide an experience that the internet just can’t provide. So, it’s not all doom and gloom for libraries just yet, and probably not for a long time either.

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Elijah Lucas

Elijah is a tech enthusiast with a focus on emerging technologies like AI and machine learning. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and has authored several research papers in the field. Elijah is the go-to person for anything complex and techy, and he enjoys breaking down complicated topics for our readers. When he's not writing, he's probably tinkering with his home automation setup.