Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a high-roller? Is it nothing but glitz and glamour, or perhaps things are more different than they may seem? For some people, that may look like a dream come true, but for the others, it’s more of a nightmare.
Who are high-rollers?
When an individual is ready to spend a few thousand or even a million dollars per hand and usually plays multiple hands at a single table, the one is known as a high-roller. These gamblers with extremely deep pockets like to try the chance of winning enormous sums of cash in a very short period of time. Sometimes their winnings can be so fast and furious, that they can immediately affect casino’s profit. For that reason, these gamblers are also known as „whales“.
Each country, or to be precise, a casino has its own definition of a high-roller, because culture and location have an impact on that. But all of them have some things in common, to make it easier for casinos and other gamblers to recognize them. They are usually millionaires or billionaires and are very generous, even when they lose. Since big money’s in the game, they tend to be serious while gambling, and even though they enjoy the benefits one VIP has, still do not like publicity. There are many people by their side- bodyguards, family, and close friends. Another fantastic advantage is access to instant casino credit, even up to $20 million and even more. You will not find them playing IGT slot games for PC, but more something like traditional casino games where big money is in the game. Baccarat is number one high-rollers’ favourite game.
The numerous advantages of being a high roller
It’s quite natural that these big players have special treatment. It’s on both sides’ mutual benefit- they will stay with a certain casino for being treated royally, and casinos tend to keep such players by their side because they spend lots of cash. For that reason, casinos do their best to offer the best possible awards and rules, to get the whales interested and loyal to that casino.
The first thing is that casinos have different rules for whales, and they are also susceptible to negotiation. Even the house edge can be adjusted so to look more attractive. High –rollers can ask for better comps. Speaking of comps, let’s just name few of them- attractive and personalized bonuses, private suites, tickets to concerts and sports matches, luxurious travels, spas and pools, food from the finest restaurants, chauffeur and limo service and many more. As a matter of fact, everything a high-roller wishes for, the casino does its best to fulfil. One of the most important perks compared to low-rollers is deposit and withdrawal restrictions, which are considerably less strict.
Why do high rollers like Baccarat so much?
The best thing about Baccarat is that it’s a fast game that offers fantastic payouts in a rather short time frame. High-rollers like the dynamics that this game has, which is why they enjoy playing it. Online casinos have even better payouts, and that makes this game a common choice of high-rollers. And one more thing, this game allows a player to show who the boss at the table is. So, yeah, it’s about giving and winning enormous sums of money, but it’s also about feeling big.
Why do high-rollers spend so much money on casinos?
This is naturally a question that comes to everybody’s mind. Knowing that they can already buy all the tickets, delicious food and whatnot, why do they treat money with such ease. Well, the answer is very simple. Even though they can afford everything, they enjoy the rush of adrenaline that gambling brings. And not only gambling but all these perks that go along make them feel important. It’s the royal treatment they enjoy. They like this form of appreciation for all the money they spend.
Final thoughts on casinos and high-rollers
As I said, casinos like high-rollers, but are also cautious which one will they accept and keep. Some people pretend to be big players just to get all the perks and comps this status brings, but are actually not high-stakes players. So, casinos actually look for people who are interested in gambling, who spend both time and money on gambling. But, one doesn’t necessarily have to spend thousands and millions of dollars per hand to become a high-roller. When one spends a bit more than a common gambler, one gets certain rewards and comps.
However, sometimes a big player can end up in huge debts, and then gambling becomes a nightmare. But, both sides do their best to find a solution to this, particularly if it’s a high-roller a casino have trust in. A player will do his best to pay the debts off, whereas casino will offer some good conditions for fixing this issue.
All in all, being a big player has many good sides, but the main question is whether one is ready to be part of this world. Perks are nice, but the real point of gambling is having fun without spending a fortune, at least that’s what goes for the majority of gamblers.