Coffee science is complicated. One week a study will be released, which shows off how healthy the morning drink is, and then a week later – a new study will completely contradict the findings – making it impossible for anyone to really get a grasp on the benefit, or danger of the drink. While the science has definitely not made anyone less dependent on the drink, it has brought a lot of attention to the coffee industry, which of course, is great for business.
One report actually suggests that after looking at more than 1,400 adults, who consume coffee once or more per day that there are significant impacts on long-term health. However, those long-term impacts are overwhelmingly positive. The team found that those who consume one, or two cups of coffee per day have better brain health in the long-term. Those individuals are experiencing a protection created by coffee and the consumption of coffee.
However, the overwhelming truth of the study is that those who consume more than a couple cups of coffee per day, or those who increase their consumption over time saw increasingly negative results. In fact, just as one or two cups of coffee per day saw protective measures on the brain – the opposite was true for those who increased consumption over time.
Those individuals saw an increase in memory loss over time. The co-authors pointed out that, “cognitively normal older individuals who never or rarely consumed coffee and those who increased their coffee consumption habits had a higher risk of developing MCI.” This was something that hadn’t previously been seen in humans, or at least, had not been measured tangibly to this level before. This stands up against those who have said that coffee is either good or bad, outright, without considering that there is likely a balance to be struck in the middle.
Perhaps the most notable piece of information that came from the study was the fact that individuals who experienced this type of memory loss were overwhelmingly within the group of individuals who did not drink any coffee. This study does show how good coffee can be, when it is drank in moderation, instead of being consumed in mass-quantity, when it is depended on for cognitive function.