Adult FriendFinder hacked! What the hack, hackers want

Adult FriendFinder is a dating website. It’s a website that’s dedicated to helping adults find partners for dating, or for finding dating alternatives – like sexual partners. The point is that whether someone is looking for a meaningful relationship on the website Adult FriendFinder, or if they’re looking for an alternative – like a simple hookup – the website promises to be safe. That though appears to be the predominant problem with Adult FriendFinder, at this moment in time.

Bev Robb of Teksecurity, a blog on Internet security, is who initially called attention to the hack that revealed information on a massive collection of people. The dating site has a total of around 64 million users and each of them has to fill out a field, which asks about specific preferences. The site then connects people or gives them suggestions based on their preferences, and those people around them.

Adult FriendFinder Hack

Andrew Auernheimer, who is a controversial figure online when it coms to hacking utilized the hack and the files that were dumped online to start digging and publicly identify several figures who were “public figures” or had jobs that could easily be used against them. Auernheimer was asked about his methods when he went after these public figures, and said, “I went straight for government employees because they seem the easiest to shame.”

There haven’t been any specific reports of how many individuals were impacted by the hack, but some are estimating that the figures could be in the millions. That being said though, this isn’t the first, or last notable hack in the last year. In 2014, there were major hacks with companies like Home Depot and Sony, and in 2015 there have been major hacks already reported with Anthem and Premera Blue Cross, which impacted 91 million people between the two hacks this year.

The best advice any users of Adult FriendFinder could receive at this point ranges depending on how cautious one wants to be. On one hand, they can be very cautious and stop using the site entirely, or on the other hand they can simply change their password, and ignore any spam emails. The information is still leaking around the Internet, and it doesn’t appear as though the information is going to be taken down anytime soon. So, it’s fair to say that something has to be done on the users end, even as Adult FriendFinder says that they will be working tirelessly to prevent their users from being compromised or blackmailed.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.