Sony Files Part 2: WikiLeaks uploads 276K private documents, emails and financial files

WikiLeaks has uploaded yet another batch of Sony documents, which it says are damning enough to suggest corporate ties that reveal illegal ties. While this isn’t the first time that WikiLeaks has made such an accusation, this truly reveals just how deep the problem is for Sony, as they still work to recover from the data breach, which rocked America late in 2014. The documents are largely conversations, and legal documents exchanged between lawyers and members of the corporate team.

WikiLeaks sent out a series of tweets from their official Twitter account, which gave those looking to get through the private documents, emails and financial files, a place to start looking – and a place to really get their overall documentation in order. The pointed to corporate relationships and ties to other businesses, which might suggest some convoluted business moves. Altogether, 276,394 documents were leaked, which is by far one of the largest to date, given how much impact they can have on the overall business.


However, WikiLeaks was also quick to point out that the release of this batch of documents wasn’t exclusively out of the love of “honesty.” Rather, they shared a tweet, which revealed the real reason for the batch of documents being released into the general public. It read in part, “Today marks Julian #Assange’s third anniversary in the embassy of #Ecuador.”

This is significant because Julian Assange has been staying at the Ecuadorian embassy for three years in an effort to avoid being brought to justice for his role in putting WikiLeaks together. At this point, he faces a mountain of charges, and would likely be hit with very strict consequences should he return to a place where he could be extradited to the United States.

While Sony hasn’t officially responded to the second batch of files, which has been released, it’s clear that there is a significant move to be made here for the company, which is trying desperately to move beyond this data breach. It was noted that Sony was forced to go without computers for a period of time when they were being attacked, and it even got to a point where some experts warned that a data breach had been taking place for years, leading up to the actual culmination of events we saw last year.

This though, is the unfortunate age we live in now, where data isn’t as safe as providers, and digital entities like to say that it is. WikiLeaks is proof, as well though, that the digital world has an underbelly that can be quite a challenge to maintain and regulate – even if there were advancements in this field.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.