Samsung’s Sleep Apnea Detection: A Vital Step Towards Global Availability

Samsung is making strides in the health tech sector with its latest innovation for the Galaxy Watch 5 and Watch 6 series. The tech giant is in the process of introducing a sleep apnea detection feature to its Health Monitor app. This feature aims to identify early signs of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that can have serious health implications if left undetected.

Key Highlights:

  • The sleep apnea detection tool utilizes the Galaxy Watch’s BioActive Sensor.
  • It monitors blood oxygen levels during sleep to determine the severity of sleep apnea.
  • The feature is currently awaiting approval for release in South Korea.
  • There are indications that the feature will soon be available internationally.

Understanding the Feature:

Sleep apnea is a condition where an individual momentarily stops breathing during sleep, disrupting the body’s oxygen supply. This can lead to lower sleep quality and other health issues such as hypertension, cardiac disorders, and even strokes. Samsung’s new feature aims to detect these disruptions by leveraging the Galaxy Watch’s BioActive Sensor. This sensor monitors a user’s blood oxygen level while they sleep, providing insights into potential sleep apnea symptoms.

How Does It Work?

Once the watch collects the sleep data, it analyzes the changes in detected blood oxygen values. It then determines if these changes are due to apnea or hypopnea. While apnea results in a complete halt in breathing, hypopnea only slows it down. Based on this data, the watch estimates the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI), which is an average of apnea and hypopnea events per hour of sleep. An AHI value between five to 15 is considered mild, 15 to 30 is moderate, and anything beyond that is severe.

For accurate results, users are advised to track their sleep twice within a ten-day period, ensuring each sleep session lasts more than four hours.

Availability and Future Prospects:

Currently, the sleep apnea detection feature is set to debut in South Korea. Samsung is awaiting the green light from the Korean government and aims to release the update in early 2024. However, there are strong indications that this feature will not remain exclusive to South Korea. The announcement about the feature was made on Samsung’s global newsroom in both English and Korean. Additionally, the company cited information from American medical institutions, hinting at a broader release in the future.


Samsung’s sleep apnea detection tool is a testament to the company’s commitment to enhancing user health through technology. By identifying sleep apnea symptoms early on, users can seek timely medical intervention, potentially preventing severe health complications. As the world awaits the global release of this feature, it’s clear that Samsung is at the forefront of merging health and technology for the betterment of its users.

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William Smith

William S. is a financial analyst with a focus on blockchain technology. He covers its applications beyond cryptocurrencies, such as smart contracts and decentralized finance. William is also an avid investor and enjoys analyzing market trends.