Gengar coming to Pokken Tournament with moves like Feint, Lick Face

As of today, a new warrior has entered the world of Pokemon – the dreaded Gengar, the new chubby purple ghost. Thanks to a YouTube user azprojectmelee, the Gengar unveil trailer can now be accessed by anyone. The trailer was unveiled during a live-stream which users can watch in its entirety here. In the trailer, Gengar is in mid-combat using a plethora of classic moves including Shadow Ball, Lick Face along with a Shadow Punch. However, the most exciting part of the trailer is the way it showcases how Gengar can Mega-Evolve.

The addition of Gengar was announced via a public campaign on Twitter when Pokken Tournament was announced back in August 2014. Gengar’s reveal trailer showcases an array of moves like Feint, Attack and Lick Face. Its ultimate move, also known as ‘Burst Attack’ was showcased as its Mega Evolution.

Pokken Tournamnet is an upcoming arcade fighter which is being made in collaboration between The Pokemon Company and Bandai-Namco. It originally introduced Pokemon, Machamp and Lucario in the game’s announcement trailer. In addition, Gardevoir, Suicine and Pikachu were also announced as additional fighters in January 2015, along with showing off the new scheme of controllers the Pokken Tournament Aracde machines will use. Pokken Tournament isn’t limited to just fighting types as many originally thought, and with Gengar joining the fray, we can clearly see where we’re headed in the near future.

There seems to be infinite possibilities for new fighters in the Pokken Tournament. Largely due to the fact that there are 721 known species of Pokemon while only six are confirmed for the fighter so far. Pokken Tournamnet is set for a summer 2015 release on Japanese arcades. Potential launch of the game on additional consoles is yet to be announced.

It seems Nintendo is giving us glimpse into another Super Smash Bros style show, gradually churning out new fighters rather than simply revealing them in all but one big announcement.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.