BlackHat and DefCon hacking conferences to summon more than 15,000 hackers in Las Vegas

BlackHat 2015 conference today is going to have its fist day of its feature packed six days. At about 10,000 security researchers and hackers now gather in the Las Vegas to share their new findings and knowledge on computer security at this annual conference.

Hackers will be sharing their experience on newly discovered exploits and will also present papers on bugs that can bring some good damage to the computers. However, this year’s focus is probably be going to be on the exploits that have been specially crafted for the mobile devices.

BlackHat 2015 is also going to feature some of the amazing workshops such as on mobile exploitation, internet security and exploiting of Internet of Things devices. Anyone can attend these workshops by shelling out a good amount of money, but it is certainly worth for the intense knowledge you gain that isn’t available anywhere else.

Often businesses and companies attend such conferences to know more about what’s new in this arena. It is without a doubt that the security is a very dynamic field, and you never know what’s going to happen next or what is going to get exploited.

Researchers often present papers containing new techniques and exploits for a particular technology. For example last year it was about hacking the cars and also the Air Traffic Control. No matter how crazy the idea may look like, it always arises from concepts we tend not to observe.

Security researchers this year will present how they hacked a car, a chemical plant and an automated sniper gun. Since, everything is a piece of code underneath, it can be easily exploited to add new functionalities that are often malicious.

Apart from that, just after BlackHat 2015 will be over on 6th of Aug, DefCon hacker conference is going to blow the minds of even more attendees. Def Con is certainly one of the coolest conference hacker parties that could happen around the world.

It’s fun, you see and explore new things, get a MoHawk haircut or a t-shirt and have drinks beside a pool. Hang out with the coolest people on this planet discussing your work with them and, of course, make friends.

DefCon and BlackHat conferences are certainly the best a hacker can get. If you wish to follow the presentations and want to know what’s happening, you can head over to their websites and see the RSS feed or the timeline of events happening there.

Security is just a myth here.

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  • Uhh.. Black Hat and DEFCON are in Vegas, not LA. Needs moar fact check.